
The fact that marijuana and cannabis products are increasingly legal doesn’t mean that using marijuana is without risk. For example, marijuana use is the primary reason young people enter substance use treatment. High levels of THC, which is the chemical in marijuana that most affects the brain, has been linked to a variety of mental
Part 3 of our opioid series supported by the NIHCM Foundation looks at the potential for marijuana to improve outcomes in opioid addiction therapy. Some studies have shown that prescribing marijuana can ease the path to shaking an opioid dependence. There’s some new research in this area, and we’ll go through some of the studies.
In 2012, Colorado legalized cannabis and kickstarted a multibillion dollar industry with every product imaginable — brownies, gummy bears, granola bars, even lube! But to say that we’ve “legalized cannabis” is mistaken — we’ve commercialized THC. In this fascinating talk, expert Ben Cort examines the impacts of this growing new industry on everything from policing
Top 10 Health Benefits of Marijuana In 2737 BC It has been described that during that period, the first direct reference was found in China in the writings of the Chinese Emperor Shen Nung. The first use of cannabis product was used for psychoactive agents. In the writings, the focus was mainly on its power